LAC Digital Health Network

Towards collaboration, dialogue, and the exchange of knowledge and experiences among the governments of Latin America and the Caribbean to advance the digital transformation in regional health

What is RACSEL?

The Latin American and Caribbean digital health network, hereinafter referred to as RACSEL, is an initiative of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) supported by the Inter-American Development Bank. It is established as a systematic horizontal technical cooperation mechanism through which exchanges are promoted, multiplied, strengthened, and energized, aimed at developing, disseminating, and implementing best practices in digital health to support institutional development processes and their progress in the region.




To promote collaborative work and cooperation in the field of digital health, so that the good practices and results achieved in one country can be leveraged by others, resulting in increased efficiency and effectiveness. This, in turn, leads to an improvement in the quality of healthcare services and overall social growth and well-being.




To be one of the main global networks of cooperation in electronic and digital health, and a reference in the dissemination, promotion, and adoption of standards, through dialogue, coordination, and the exchange of knowledge and experience


Summary of the topics addressed in the Webinar held on June 21: "My Health Data one click away. Are we ready in LAC?"
2023-06-13 16:14 A summary of the topics addressed in the webinar on June 21,...
Project focused on maximizing cooperation in digital health between Latin American and Caribbean countries advances in training and prepares regional event
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